Telecommunications company and local Cat® dealer work together to ensure 24/7 backup emergency power for towers and facilities

Customer: Televisora de Costa Rica S.A.

Location: San José, Costa Rica

Solution: Televisora:
One Cat 350 kW 3406 diesel generator set
Two Cat 256 kW 3306 diesel generator sets
One Cat 125 kW 3304 diesel generator set
Three Olympian 100 kW GEP 110 diesel generator sets
Four Olympian 80 kW GEP 88 diesel generator sets
One Olympian 75 kW GEP 83 diesel generator set
Six Olympian 60 kW GEP 65 diesel generator sets
One Olympian 45 kW GEP 50 diesel generator set
Five Olympian 40 kW GEP 44 diesel generator sets
One Olympian 27.2 kW GEP 30SP diesel generator set
Three Olympian 80 kW GEP 88 diesel generator sets

Cat Dealer: MATRA

Power Need

Televisora is a major telecommunications company that transmits data over fiber optic cables and reception towers for cell phone coverage and cable television across various regions of San José, Costa Rica. Televisora also owns and transmits programming for Teletica, the area’s main cable station.

Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, Televisora is responsible for broadcasting station programming to their customers. And with cable towers across the entire region, there are several issues that can jeopardize this level of service. Some towers are located close to active volcanoes that are still volatile. These regions have poor utility transmission, so there’s always a threat of losing power. There is also a risk of theft and vandalism to fiber optic cables that the company must account for, as well as several other factors in these regions that can cut off power.

It is crucial to business operations that a steady flow of power is always available for all towers and business headquarters to ensure customers never experience dead air. This is detrimental to television companies, as viewers are lost from power outages, which will ultimately affect station ratings.

Televisora needed to turn to a company that they could count on to provide reliable backup power for their towers and facility locations in emergency situations. If the company loses power for even a moment, data is lost. Televisora has a reputation to uphold, since the company is responsible for providing full service to their customers at all times – no matter what the situation may be.


Thirty years ago when Televisora needed to have a backup power supply for towers in an area that was not covered by the local utility, they purchased a used Cat® diesel generator set. They contacted local Cat dealer MATRA to help with the unit, which marked the beginning of a long-term relationship. Televisora has been turning to MATRA ever since for their backup power generation needs.

Since 1951, MATRA has been working to strengthen the infrastructure within Costa Rica by offering new and used equipment, parts and full service support. With seven different branches throughout the country, the company does not merely just sell machines; its highly trained staff is behind every sale to provide full service, technical support and field visits.

As Televisora expanded into other areas of Costa Rica, the company began to outfit each tower with an Olympian™ or Cat generator set. Today, there are over 25 generator sets installed to provide standby power to all towers and facilities. Three generator sets are installed at Teletica studios as well.

“Helping Televisora with their standby needs has been a long process,” said MATRA power systems manager, Andrés Calvo. “Every time they expand into new areas, we’re always right there next to them to help and provide our level of expertise where needed.”


“We always keep coming back to MATRA for Cat and Olympian generators without any hesitation because we are extremely confident in the product,” stated Gerardo Guzmán, engineering manager for Televisora. “The Cat brand is very well known throughout the industry for the level of quality and service the company provides. The security we find with having a Cat generator set is invaluable, not to mention that we have a great relationship with MATRA and know that they are always there if we need anything. In our eyes, you just don’t find that type of customer service and reassurance in companies these days.”

Televisora also has a Customer Support Agreement (CSA) with MATRA to provide scheduled maintenance visits, scheduled oil samplings and routine inspections. The contract has been in place since 2009 and Televisora renews each year. “Having a CSA with MATRA actually lowers our service and operating costs to maintain these units,” said Guzmán. “In the long run, it’s far more valuable to invest in the contract and have MATRA technicians on hand when needed to go out to all of our locations around Costa Rica, rather than be unprepared when something goes wrong.”

“We will always recommend Cat products to other telecommunications businesses because we know it’s quality equipment that will be there to power up when you need it most,” added Guzmán. “Price isn’t an important decision when you consider the brand you’re investing in.”

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