
Gubernamental / Defensa

Whether it's standard products, modification of existing products, or entirely new products, Caterpillar Defense & Federal Products is committed to all branches of the military and to U.S. federal civilian agencies.

As part of a U.S. federal civilian agency working in rural America or as part of a military unit stationed domestically or deployed overseas, you have a unique set of requirements to work with when purchasing machines that many other businesses may not deal with like:

  • Acting as a good steward of the tax dollars you use to purchase equipment
  • Making sure your equipment has minimal downtime regardless if you are plowing emergency routes or are on military missions around the world

Caterpillar Defense & Federal Products and our Cat worldwide dealer network can assist you with these challenges. We have dedicated team and resources in place that make it their business to understand what you do and how you do it. These experts can help you with the following details:

  • Assisting you with configuring the machine to best meet your needs
  • Creating custom military products to keep our soldiers safe
  • Modifying existing equipment to meet your requirements
  • Utilizing Life Cycle Costing to make sure you get the equipment with the Best Value
  • Our Cat dealer network is always on call to keep your equipment in perfect working order with parts and service support wherever you are located in the world

Cat® Simulators - Where Training Meets Technology

Built For It

Al elegir Cat®, usted obtiene lo que pagó: equipos confiables y duraderos, y relaciones a largo plazo.

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Financiamiento y seguros

Usted puede contar con Cat Financial para proporcionar las mejores soluciones financieras, construidas sólo para usted.

Vea nuestras Ofertas

Tecnología Cat®

Constantemente desarrollamos y refinamos tecnologías avanzadas para hacer que su equipo sea más productivo y eficiente.

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Póngase en contacto con los expertos

Aprenda de los expertos y obtenga asesoramiento de sus colegas: consulte nuestros blogs y foros en línea.

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Servicio del distribuidor Cat®

Compre cualquier equipo Cat® y obtenga también todo el respaldo y compromiso de su distribuidor Cat local.

Comuníquese con su distribuidor local

Productos Cat® en las noticias

Los productos Cat están a la orden del día. Descubra lo dice la prensa.

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