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Pengaturan Situs
One seal, nut, bolt or washer is as good as the next, right? Wrong. Parts that aren’t designed and sized for your equipment can lead to leaky or loose joints and seals. That can result in breakdowns, downtime and even fines for environmental hazards. Genuine Cat® seals and fasteners are made stronger to last longer in your Cat equipment and across your entire fleet. They’re small parts that play a big role in keeping your machines up, running and earning you money.
When a seal is compressed, it generates force like a spring. Cat seals provide a higher sealing force which prevent the leaks that can lead to expensive repairs, downtime and fines.
Most Cat seals are made with custom tooling owned by Caterpillar for a precise fit in every machine in your fleet. Reliable, repeatable performance eliminates leaks and early-hour failures.
Better sealing force and tighter tolerances mean Cat seals last longer than competitive seals. That translates into more machine uptime and less cost for you.
You get reliable, repeatable performance from every Cat fastener. They resist loose joints and breakage even under heavy loads.
Salt spray tests show that Cat fasteners take significantly longer to rust than competitors, resulting in longer life, less chance of premature failure and easier maintenance.