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Daftar Sekarang
Satu Akun. Semua Cat.
Akun Caterpillar Anda adalah satu-satunya akun yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk masuk untuk memilih layanan dan aplikasi yang kami tawarkan. Pesan suku cadang dan alat berat secara online, kelola armada Anda, gunakan aplikasi seluler, dan lainnya.
Informasi Akun
Pengaturan Situs
Reconditioning, repairing, and rebuilding major components when they reach the end of their lives makes good sense for your business. If you wait until the component fails, a repair or rebuild will be much more expensive. In addition to the cost of the repair, you'll face the cost of lost productivity, which can seriously impact your bottom line.
A worn drive train system can lead to accelerated wear and lower productivity.
Every engine experiences wear as a result of contact, pressure, and relative motion. However, Caterpillar components are engineered for reuse—they’re built to be rebuilt.
Machine productivity and efficient hydraulics go hand-in-hand.
Caterpillar offers “off-the-shelf” and custom Ground Engaging Tool (GET) systems that maximize machine productivity.
Undercarriage represents 50% of owning and operating cost. That’s why managing and maintaining these systems should be a top priority.
Protect your three major systems — fuel, air and lube — with planned maintenance.
Return engines and components to their original performance requirements, while updating them with the most current design specifications.