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Jika Anda sudah memiliki akun lama dengan Aplikasi Cat lain, Anda dapat menggunakan akun yang sama untuk masuk di sini.
Daftar Sekarang
Satu Akun. Semua Cat.
Akun Caterpillar Anda adalah satu-satunya akun yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk masuk untuk memilih layanan dan aplikasi yang kami tawarkan. Pesan suku cadang dan alat berat secara online, kelola armada Anda, gunakan aplikasi seluler, dan lainnya.
Informasi Akun
Pengaturan Situs
The good news? 70% of your operating costs comes down to maintenance and operations, which you have the power to control. The bad news? The other 30% of those costs are due to application and underfoot conditions, which you can’t control.
The truth is there’s a lot that affects the life of your tracks, everything from the type of work you do to the way your operators maneuver the machine. But with proper cost management practices, you can significantly reduce those operating costs.
Keeping your track properly adjusted maximizes both track life and the performance of your Cat® machine. Some slack between the drive sprocket and front roller wheel is normal. Check regularly and adjust when needed.
Can cause lug damage and derailment.
Can increase wear on tracks, roller wheels, sprockets and drive motors, as well as damage the lugs.
Your machine’s undercarriage is often exposed to dirt and debris. For the best cost management, we recommend cleaning it on a daily basis. Cohesive and abrasive materials, like mud, sand, clay and gravel, should be cleaned out as often as possible, even several times a day, to reduce unnecessary wear to undercarriage components.
In cold climates or whenever freezing temperatures are expected between work shifts, it is recommended to run the machine in forward and reverse before shutting it down to reduce moisture build-up and help prevent freeze-ups.