Engineering support - problem solver


You want the best seal for your application. That means the right size, the right materials—and an understanding of how the seal works within the assembly. For many customers, our advantage is that understanding—and our testing.

Our research labs go well beyond testing the quality of the materials in a seal. We have years of research and development experience in everything from parts and components to engines and transmissions.

Our courteous and knowledgeable representatives are available for you. We listen to understand your needs and take action to support your business. Experienced engineers are available to evaluate your sealing requirements, work with your engineering personnel and recommend the sealing solution to best address your needs. Please complete an application data sheet so we better understand the demands of the system to be protected. Your application information is treated with confidentiality.

We can replicate your field conditions within the lab to make sure you get the best option available.

• Quality and reliability of seals ensured by ISO 9001:2008 accreditation

For more information about Cat® seals, email


Download:  Functional Test Lab



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