The need for speed

In an ever-changing harbor and terminal tug industry, increasing demands are driving investment into better, more efficient vessels. With high-speed solutions to the fore.

High-speed engines are particularly suitable for vessels that have variable power needs in terms of acceleration time, bollard pull and maneuverability. That’s life on a tugboat in a nutshell. What’s more, tugboats operate an average of 1,000 – 3,000 hours per year, but 80% of that time is spent running at less than 20% of engine load.


In the 1980s, around 70% of tugs were built with medium-speed engines. Today, nearly 90% are equipped with high-speed engines.
Increasingly, we’re seeing high-speed power and propulsion systems fully tailored to this load profile. The result? Better performance, lower fuel consumption and longer maintenance intervals.



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