Remote Operations Drive Consistency, Efficiency & Productivity for Miners

Imagine mine supervisors as air traffic controllers managing a crowded airspace, or as orchestra conductors directing a group of musicians. Sound far-fetched? Actually, it’s already happening, thanks to integrated technologies that allow mine sites to manage work—and get it done more consistently and efficiently—from remote locations.

Using machine data gathered in the field, mine supervisors can manage daily production, maintenance and safety and make improvements across multiple sites all from a single location—often away from the mine sites themselves. From these remote operation centers, mine supervisors can assign trucks and loaders, track production targets, monitor machine health and even create scenarios to determine the effect of operational changes before implementation.

That’s critical for mining companies that today work across vast expanses of land, use large numbers of machines in a variety of sizes, and operate in different environments and applications, both above and below ground. With all these variables, operational consistency is the key to maximizing productivity and efficiency—and keeping costs down.

Working remotely has benefits for mine site personnel as well. First and foremost, it keeps them safely away from undeveloped locations and hazardous situations. Plus, when operations are located far from the pit, employees don’t need to relocate as sites expand.

Remote operations—enabled by advanced data and autonomous and semi-autonomous equipment systems—are pointing the way to a safer, more efficient and more productive future for mining. Watch the video to discover how this future is fast becoming a reality today.