
Building The World’s Largest Airport With Cat® EMSolutions™

At the crossroads of East and West, Istanbul is the natural site for a global air transport hub. That’s a good thing because by 2023, Turkish Airlines plans to nearly double its current numbers to more than 120 million passengers per year.

For infrastructure consortium IGA, that ambitious goal presents a major challenge: Build the world’s largest airport from the ground up in just 42 months. The first phase of construction, to be completed in 2018, includes the runways and terminal, which cover a 79-square-kilometer site. The job requires moving more than two billion cubic meters of material, including unstable mine tailings up to 40 meters deep.

It’s a massive undertaking. In fact, says IGA Chief Executive Yusuf Akçayoğlu, “Our project represents the largest investment in the history of the Turkish Republic.” 

To handle the project’s huge scale, difficult site conditions and tight deadline, IGA assembled a fleet of more than 400 machines, all from Caterpillar. To help manage all that iron and keep it working productively around the clock, IGA relies heavily on Cat EMSolutions™ technologies and support from Cat® dealer Borusan Makina.

IGA Fleet Manager Adem Karabudak says Cat EMSolutions helps to streamline equipment management for the project’s massive fleet. “Right now we're receiving monitoring and maintenance data, jobsite location tracking, remote fault code analysis, analysis of oil samples and interpretation of those analyses. Needless to say, that makes our job a whole lot easier.”


“ManagIng thIs kind of gIant project usIng classIc methods would be vIrtually ImpossIble.”


Borsusan Makina Service Engineer, Hakan Atay agrees, adding that Cat EMSolutions remote monitoring technology “is like an eye watching us from the sky, tracking all the machines and giving us data about every machine. This information can significantly simplify our jobs.”

Borusan Makina After Sales Service Manager, Volkan Kuş says advanced technology is essential these days, because “managing this kind of giant project using classic methods would be virtually impossible.”

Of course, Cat EMSolutions support from IGA’s Cat dealer goes way beyond simply providing technology tools. Akçayoğlu sums it this way: “We have more or less reached peak capacities with all of the equipment. In addition to that, whether it be fuel savings, aftersales in terms of the quality of the service, right now I can say that we're getting five-star service.”



Stolen Machine Found with Anti-theft GPS Tracker

Using Cat Product Link’s anti-theft GPS tracker capabilities, it took only hours for Cat dealer RIMCO to recover a customer’s missing backhoe.

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Condition Monitoring Virtually Eliminates Downtime For two German companies

For two German construction companies seeking a solution to lower fuel costs, boost equipment availability and eliminate unscheduled downtime, the answer came in the form of Equipment Management Solutions utilizing Cat® Product Link™ and VisionLink®—and the results included significant operating cost savings.

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Fleet Availability Rises with GPS Truck Tracking

Saiia Construction uses Cat GPS truck tracking to monitor fleet performance and fuel use, crediting the technology for improved availability and lower costs.

Fleet Availability Rises with GPS Truck Tracking

Product Link™ Gives Loggers a Competitive Edge

A logging company in Florida uses Cat® Product Link™ to track where their equipment is, what it’s doing and how it’s performing.

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