Spending too much valuable time sifting through piles of complex and uncontrollable data just to be able to monitor various equipment on a single vessel? There is a simple way to reduce downtime and costs, while at the same time, increase efficiency and effectiveness. Bob walks us through how easy it is to manage vessel analytics and monitoring with Cat® Marine Asset Intelligence in the following animated video.
Cat Asset Intelligence combines data from ships’ technical manuals with information and advisories for engines and auxiliary equipment, which allows Bob to have total control of his fleet. Over 40 million machine hours of sensor readings and past experience are also tucked under the belt of the service, ensuring accurate and standardly configured results.
User-friendly information is now obtainable to help your business operate at optimum uptime. Assess how your vessels are using their equipment promptly. Receive alerts if there is a discovered pattern in measurements that have a high probability of effecting performance. Cat Asset Intelligence exceeds in using stored data from your entire fleet to make predictions on future operations so you don’t have to. Take control of complex data with Caterpillar’s reliable vessel analytics and monitoring, designed to adapt specifically to your business.