Photo insudeCat machine in Malagaa
Photo insudeCat machine in Malagaa

8 Tips to Prolong Engine Life and Reduce Operating Costs through Preventative Maintenance

Taking care of your engine is like protecting your piggy bank. By giving your engine some special care, you can save money and make it last longer. Let's explore simple ways to keep your engine in top shape.

1. Fluids are your friend.
Imagine your engine is like a living creature, and fluids are its lifeblood. Coolant keeps it from getting too hot or freezing. Engine oil helps it move smoothly and stay clean. Fuel makes it go and acts like a cleaner too. Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is like a superhero for certain engines. Just remember, DEF needs some attention too.

2. Coolant is cool.
Coolant is crucial – it prevents your engine from overheating or freezing. Make sure it has the right freeze protection. Using Cat®  Extended Life Coolant (ELC) can also reduce the chance of issues like cooling system cavitation. Always choose distilled water for your coolants; tap water can cause trouble.

3. Oil matters.
Engines don't like bad oils. Stick to good-quality oil recommended by the manufacturer. It's not just about changing oil often; you also need to change it at the right time. Scheduled Oil Sampling (SOS) is like a health checkup for your engine's oil. This can help keep your engine running smoothly and save you money.




4. Focus on fuel.
Fuel is essential, but it needs to be clean. Imagine your engine as a picky eater – it wants clean and dry fuel. Filters play an important role here, too. They keep the fuel free from debris. Remember, clean dispensers and fuel tank fills are crucial too.

5. Filter out the bad.
Filters are like superheroes protecting your engine. They keep the air clean, remove water from fuel, and maintain low contamination in oils. Air filters are the most important – they keep your engine breathing well. Good filters might cost a bit more, but they're worth it.




6. Don’t ignore indicators.
Your engine has its way of talking to you. Excessive smoke, unusual noises, or fluid leaks are signs that need attention. Please don't ignore them; it's like going to the doctor when you feel sick. It saves you money in the long run.

7. Lights, Camera, Action. 
Pay attention to your engine's warning lights. If it's saying something is wrong, stop and check. Running with warning lights on can lead to big problems. It's like taking care of a small scratch before it becomes a big wound.

8. Valve Lash in a flash.
Valve lash may sound fancy, but it's like giving your engine a proper haircut. Too little or too much lash can cause trouble. Follow the right service procedures – It keeps everything in good shape.

These tips aren't just for Cat engines – they work for all kinds. Keep these practices in mind, and your engine will thank you with a longer life and more savings for you.



Nick Johnson


Nick is a second-generation “Cat Guy” who has had his hands inside of engines since he was a little kid. He loves supporting the yellow family and has been with Caterpillar since 2004. Nick spent many years supporting global dealers with engine rebuild and salvage practices and now enjoys sharing his expertise with customers & dealers.  In his off time, he’s either in his home shop, riding ATVs with his son, or powerboating with the family. Simply put, he’s a “Grade-A” engine nerd!

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