Gas Compression Engines
Gas Compression Engines

Power Up: Modernizing Gas Compression Operations with Cat® G3600 A4 Gen 2 Engine Upgrade 

As gas compression operators face evolving requirements and operational needs, valuable engineering updates are available for existing Cat® engines of any age. The Cat G3600 A4 Gen 2 upgrade kit helps modernize A4 Gen 1 engines (Cat G3600s manufactured from 2015-20231) by not only lowering methane and other emissions but also offering the flexibility to increase power compared to the previous model. Crucially, the optional power increase enables higher throughput and revenue without impacting service intervals or engine life.

Power-Packed Benefits

Gas compression operators entering an overhaul cycle for their G3600 A4 Gen 1 engines can unlock even more value with the Gen 2 upgrade kit while experiencing little to no disruption to their operations. Gen 2 upgrade kits use the same engine footprint as the A4 Gen 1, and operators performing the upgrade during an overhaul can optimize costs effectively.

The A4 Gen 2 upgrade kit is available in three cost-effective options to meet specific needs and operating conditions:

  • Option 1 lowers GHG emissions without changing power output and doesn’t require modifications to the existing gas compression package.
  • Option 2 lowers GHG emissions and provides up to a 10% increase in power and up to a 1% reduction in fuel consumption, enabling more gas to be compressed while reducing fuel costs which can positively impact revenue. The 10% power increase is available for all engine models G3606 and higher. While total fuel use increases with a more powerful engine, overall efficiency is improved on a per-horsepower basis. Depending on site conditions, this option can result in a heat rejection increase, so capacity should be evaluated for updates to the cooler or compression package.
  • Option 3 is designed for high-altitude applications and lowers GHG emissions while providing up to a 10% increase in power. This option may also require updates to the cooler or compression package depending on site conditions.

The Gen 2 kit upgrade maintains the inherent advantages of G3600 lean burn technology, such as longer life, lower fuel consumption, wider fuel tolerance and higher altitude capability.


Support for Climate-Related Objectives

Evolving regulations, including those under the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), have made emissions reduction a top-of-mind goal for operators. The G3600 A4 Gen 2 upgrade aims directly at that goal and lowers multiple types of emissions.

Based on specific testing conditions,2 the A4 Gen 2 upgrade can achieve the following emissions reductions compared to the previous model:

  • Up to 33% methane reduction.
  • Up to 32% volatile organic compounds (VOCs) reduction.
  • Up to 24% formaldehyde reduction.
  • Up to 13% carbon monoxide reduction.
  • Up to 5% GHG reduction.

Regulatory guidance following the IRA sets the waste emissions charge for methane at $1,500 per metric ton for years 2026 and later.3 With this in mind, it’s both economical and practical for gas compression operators to proactively take steps to lower emissions with the A4 Gen 2 upgrade.

Field-Proven to Weather Any Conditions

In addition to flexible options and the ability to reduce a range of emissions, the G3600 A4 Gen 2 upgrade is a field-proven design. As of July 2024, this upgrade has accumulated more than 130,000 operational hours of testing across major oil and gas basins.

Offering a potent combination of reduced emissions and flexibility, along with an optional power increase, the A4 Gen 2 upgrade demonstrates Caterpillar Oil & Gas’ dedication to continuous improvement to support gas compression operators’ evolving needs. This powerful upgrade not only helps operators keep pace with the industry’s evolving requirements to lower emissions but also reduces operating costs to positively impact revenue.

Applying an A4 Gen 2 upgrade during a scheduled overhaul is a convenient, cost-effective way to embrace the latest gas compression technology for greater operational efficiency.

1. Some Gen 2 engines may have been produced in 2023.
2. Conditions: same power level between current and new A4 version, 85MN, 905BTU/scf, 100% load, 25C ambient, 500ft altitude.
3., “Waste Emissions Charge”.

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