Surface mining Technology
Surface mining Technology

Cat® MineStar™ Solutions for Integrated Surface Operations

MineStar is the mining industry’s most comprehensive and thoroughly integrated suite of technology offerings. Fleet management, guidance technologies and machine health applications allow significant improvements in your operations and maintenance organizations. Safety technologies help keep people safe when they’re in, on or around equipment. And you can further optimize your operation with MineStar automation technologies, including fully autonomous hauling — a safety and productivity game-changer.



Choose Your Application

Are you looking for a solution that will address a specific aspect of your mining operation? MineStar Solutions can help. They work with all types of assets and integrate with any brand of equipment, sharing data across existing machines, systems and technologies.


Cost-effective, high-precision drilling gets your whole mining value chain off to a good start. And Cat MineStar Solutions can help — from increasing accuracy and consistency to delivering quality fragmentation and better blasthole quality.

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Loading and Hauling 

Cat MineStar Solutions keeps your shovels busy and your trucks on the move by helping you maximize payload, manage shifts, identify bottlenecks, measure the volume of material cut and filled, ensure you’re moving the right amount of material with every load — and more.

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Dozing and Grading 

MineStar Solutions for dozing and grading are focused on the operators — providing the information they need to maximize their efficiency. They’ll have access to onboard guidance tools and real-time feedback on bench heights, cycle times, volume of material cut and filled, and more. You can also incorporate remote or semi-autonomous dozing to keep operators safe and productivity high.

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Surface Technology Offerings



What's Your Challenge?

Fleet Productivity

Inconsistent processes. Unskilled operators. Misdirected loads. Long cycle times. Extended machine downtime. These are just a few of the challenges that can have an impact on your productivity — and they’re all challenges that can be addressed by MineStar™ Solutions.  

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You do all you can to keep your people out of harm's way. MineStar Solutions can help you do more. They increase operator awareness and visibility, help you identify and manage operator fatigue and distraction, alert operators to potential collisions and more. In addition, MineStar autonomy and automation solutions allow you to completely remove operators from harm’s way.

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Equipment Health

You want to get the most out of your equipment investment. Staying connected to machines and paying attention to the data they provide is one of the best ways to control costs. Cat® MineStar™ helps you make that connection — with any brand of equipment — so you can head off small problems while they’re still small, run machines as efficiently as possible for as long as possible and keep unplanned downtime to a minimum.

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If you’re looking for step changes in safety, productivity and efficiency, there’s one solution that will make it happen: Automation. But mining automation isn’t one size fits all. MineStar lets you choose the capabilities of automation that make sense for your operation, from remote control to semi-autonomous, to full autonomy.

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Job Site Solutions Fleet Management Services

Fleet management solutions that make costs manageable, increase uptime and improve productivity.

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Caterpillar Safety Services

Caterpillar Safety Services will guide you along your safety journey by providing industry best practices, continuous improvement processes and the latest technologies to see, mitigate and manage risks.

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Tell Us Your Challenge

We work with our customers to develop site-specific solutions and technologies to meet their needs — and to adapt our existing offerings to better suit individual applications. Tell us your challenge, and learn more about how we can help you improve your operation.

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