Take Technology Underground

Underground Hard Rock
Underground Hard Rock

Underground mining presents special challenges when it comes to safe, efficient operation. That’s why we tailor MineStar Solutions to the unique needs of your environment and help you deal with the challenges you face every day: Controlling costs, extending equipment life, working more productively and keeping people safe.

MineStar Solutions for hard rock underground applications feature a range of capabilities that meet the needs of your operation. From machine guidance and safety solutions to autonomous loading, every solution puts more value to your bottom line.


Cat® MineStar™ Underground Hard Rock Solutions

Fleet For Underground — Enhance Safety and Stay in Touch        

Fleet provides real-time visibility to cycle time, payload and other key operational parameters. Thanks to our proprietary high-precision underground positioning technology, mines can accurately track personnel and assets to sub-meter accuracy. This also gives you access to critical cycle information, so you can better understand machine usage and overall efficiency of operations. Real-time two-way task management provides essential data that positively impacts productivity and helps you optimize the entire mining operation.

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Fleet For Underground
Fleet For Underground

Detect For Underground — Prevent Unintended Interactions

Detect addresses risks to people and assets by letting you “see” in the dark. Using a high-precision peer-to-peer proximity detection system coupled with a revolutionary communications and tracking network, Detect can prevent incidents and track people and machines—wherever they are underground—in real time. Detect provides situational awareness to operators, alerting them to hazards before they become a threat with no reliance on mine infrastructure. Detect allows operators to visualize all machines and personnel within a configurable radius. It also alerts operators and personnel when machines or objects come into close proximity to aid in collision avoidance.

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Detect for Underground
Detect for Underground

Command for Underground — Enhance Safety and Utilization

Command for underground enables remote operation of load-haul-dump machines. The system improves safety by removing operators from hazardous environments. It also delivers machine utilization increases over line-of-sight mucking operations by reducing the downtime required for shift changes, blast times, and any other conditions that can remove operators from the face. Automation also improves accuracy of tunnel navigation, boosting productivity and reducing machine damage caused by contact with drive walls. Options range from simple line-of-sight to full autonomy.

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Command for Underground
Command for Underground