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With tight margins and profits always on the line, selecting and maintaining ground engaging tools (GET) is a critical part of managing your mining fleet. The right GET helps reduce costs by prolonging the working life of buckets and blades, even entire machines. Plus, they help to improve efficiency and productivity by optimizing machine performance over a wide range of applications and site conditions. Your Cat® dealer can help you make the most of your GET investment with the industry’s best availability, along with site-based support tailored to your operation.
GET isn’t just a tool. It’s a choice that can deliver real results for your operation — impacting machine performance by up to 20%. Why is Cat GET the right choice? We offer a full line of products for every machine in your fleet, backed by industry-leading product availability and dealer support to help you plan maintenance, achieve production goals and control costs. Operations around the world are seeing the results in increased wear life, reduced downtime and longer tip life.
Cat Tricone drill bits are designed for the toughest and most severe rotary blasthole applications. The Tricone line includes a wide range of bit diameters with a variety of carbide shapes and cutting face arrangements to maximize penetration rates.
Cat Down-The-Hole (DTH) Hammers and Bits are the industry choice for a fast, reliable operation. Built with proprietary materials and heat treated to last longer and drill faster, they’ll help you cut costs and boost drilling efficiency in the toughest mining conditions.
Cat GET and work tools are designed to work as a system to optimize machine performance and reduce operating costs — so it’s important to maintain GET properly and replace worn components before they fail. Your Cat dealer is ready to advise you on the most effective GET systems for your equipment and applications. Plus, they can help you set up a comprehensive management program that minimizes downtime and reduces owning and operating costs.