Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Mining Equipment
Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Mining Equipment





With tight margins and profits always on the line, selecting and maintaining ground engaging tools (GET) is a critical part of managing your mining fleet. The right GET helps reduce costs by prolonging the working life of buckets and blades, even entire machines. Plus, they help to improve efficiency and productivity by optimizing machine performance over a wide range of applications and site conditions. Your Cat® dealer can help you make the most of your GET investment with the industry’s best availability, along with site-based support tailored to your operation.

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The right choice for your operation

GET isn’t just a tool. It’s a choice that can deliver real results for your operation — impacting machine performance by up to 20%. Why is Cat GET the right choice? We offer a full line of products for every machine in your fleet, backed by industry-leading product availability and dealer support to help you plan maintenance, achieve production goals and control costs. Operations around the world are seeing the results in increased wear life, reduced downtime and longer tip life.





Large Wheel Loaders

Downtime is a productivity killer on any mine site. That’s why your Cat dealer offers GET systems for large wheel loaders that last longer and reduce change-out time. You get longer service life, more working hours and lower total costs of operation.

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Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Large Wheel Loaders
Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Large Wheel Loaders

Large Dozers

Cat end bits and cutting edges for large dozers can be ordered with Cat Abrasion Resistant Material (A.R.M.) for applications where abrasive materials severely diminish wear life. Plus, they deliver improved productivity and minimal throwaway.

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Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Large Dozers
Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Large Dozers

Load Haul Dump (LHD) Loaders

Cat GET for underground LHD machines includes a Modular Segment System that covers all size classes, plus the Cat Durilock™ Shroud system that quickly adapts to varying conditions, without the need to change the base edge or retention system.

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Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Load Haul Dump Loaders
Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Load Haul Dump Loaders

Hydraulic Mining Shovels

Caterpillar offers two GET systems for hydraulic mining shovels designed to increase productivity, improve rates of penetration and optimize bucket fill. Or, choose an extended wear life system for use in hard rock and high-abrasion applications.

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Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Hydraulic Mining Shovels
Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Hydraulic Mining Shovels



Electric Rope Shovels

The Cat X-4 Hammerless GET System is the industry standard for electric rope shovels. A Whisler style adapter is matched with CapSure retention — making installation and removal easier, faster and safer, reducing costs and downtime.

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Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Electric Rope Shovels
Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Electric Rope Shovels



Explore wire rope solutions for shovels & draglines




Mining Drills

The real work of mining only begins when a drill bit bites into the site. Mining drills set the tone for the speed, efficiency and cost of every operation that follows. It pays to start strong and equip your drills with the best you can get — Cat GET.

Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Mining Drills
Ground Engaging Tools (GET) for Mining Drills


Tricone Drill Bits

Cat Tricone drill bits are designed for the toughest and most severe rotary blasthole applications. The Tricone line includes a wide range of bit diameters with a variety of carbide shapes and cutting face arrangements to maximize penetration rates.

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Down-the-Hole Hammers & Bits

Cat Down-The-Hole (DTH) Hammers and Bits are the industry choice for a fast, reliable operation. Built with proprietary materials and heat treated to last longer and drill faster, they’ll help you cut costs and boost drilling efficiency in the toughest mining conditions.

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CVA Options for Mining

Cat Customer Value Agreements (CVAs) for mining help you maximize uptime and equipment health throughout the ownership lifecycle. Explore CVA options that offer planned maintenance and cost-per-hour guarantees, plus the flexibility to be shaped to the needs of your mining operation.

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Customer Value Agreements (CVAs) for Mining
Customer Value Agreements (CVAs) for Mining





Bucket Pro delivers
data-driven results

By working with your Cat dealer to set up the Bucket Pro app for your site and equipment, you get the support you need to maximize your GET production. Check out this flyer for more on GET inspection reports and bucket cycle summaries to plan maintenance, manage inventory and know your cost-per-ton — all backed by real data from your site.

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Bucket Pro
Bucket Pro

Wear Kits

Protect your equipment and optimize machine efficiency with Cat Wear Solutions. Designed for everything from dozers to draglines. Laser scanning of your bucket or blade ensures that your Wear Kit fits perfectly and arrives ready to install.

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Wear Kits
Wear Kits





Dealer Service
& Expert Solutions

Beyond the iron, choosing Cat GET comes with expert support focused on improving your operation's results. No competitor has the range of expertise your Cat dealer can provide to your operation — from GET assessment services to maintenance solutions to wear management systems focused on results for your operation.

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Dealer Service
Dealer Service





Repair Options for your GET


Cat GET and work tools are designed to work as a system to optimize machine performance and reduce operating costs — so it’s important to maintain GET properly and replace worn components before they fail. Your Cat dealer is ready to advise you on the most effective GET systems for your equipment and applications. Plus, they can help you set up a comprehensive management program that minimizes downtime and reduces owning and operating costs.

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Check out more repair options




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Undercarriage for Mining Equipment

Mine sites put undercarriage to the ultimate test. Cat undercarriage is built take on the toughest environments and deliver maximum life with the lowest total operating costs in the industry.

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Maintenance Parts for Mining Equipment

Quality parts make a big difference in keeping your site on track. Take a closer look at the full line of Cat maintenance parts for mining equipment.

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