Boasting one of Caterpillar's most modular engine designs to date, the Cat C7.1 also features an engine-mounted aftertreatment that saves OEMs valuable time and space when installing into a wide variety of machines—especially industrial and construction applications. OEMs also enjoy a 20% length, 5% height and 40% weight reduction when downsizing from 9-liter platforms.
The Cat C7.1 uses passive regeneration technology, so operators can continue to perform their toughest tasks, in the most severe environments, without having to wait on the engine.
Industrial, agricultural and construction applications such as: Pumps • Compressors • Chippers • Grinders • Asphalt paving equipment • Hydraulic power units • Bore rigs • Drill rigs • Tractors
The benefits to downsizing are many, including an 18% decrease in overall fuel consumption when downsizing from a 6-cylinder engine. With an added 3-4% decrease in overall DEF consumption and EGR integration, the cost savings don't take long to add up.
Scheduled maintenance, five-year warranty, superior dealer service and a comprehensive global dealer support network—it’s all standard with the Cat C7.1.
Validated with thousands of hours of field testing, the Cat C7.1 is built to meet Caterpillar's strict safety standards and customers' most demanding work sites throughout the world.