Take a Closer Look

"They're Just
  Not the Same."

Cat filters and fluids | Engineer testing fluids
Cat filters and fluids | Engineer testing fluids


We have two goals for your operation: more protection and lower costs. We make it happen with unmatched design. That means key features no competitor makes, consistent quality you can rely on and performance proven above the rest. It’s teamwork bridging Cat® filters, fluids and machine expertise. And it’s all to bring results to your bottom line.



"I look at the designs... I know how we run the performance of these and I know these are above and beyond what the industry would use."

– Hind Abi-Akar, Fluids Technical Expert, Cat fluids



Real Quality. Real Talk.




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"I've actually done a little research... and the cat one is the one I chose to go with... it's actually on my pickup truck."

– Joe Calvert, Operator, JAG Excavating Inc.



Cat Filters

Why Every Key Feature Matters for You

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Cat filters
Cat filters

Cat Fluids

How Design Benefits Go Beyond Meeting Specs

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Cat fluids
Cat fluids



Take a Closer Look at Cat Filters

Whether manufacturers or customers, any filter expert knows how to compare Cat filters with the rest. “Just cut it open.” Since you probably don’t have one next to your phone or computer, we broke down what you would see and why it matters. Check out the unique design features, industry-leading test results and how they can extend injector life by up to 45%. 

See Cat Filters
Cat filter cut open
Cat filter cut open

Take a Closer Look at Cat Fluids

Here’s the thing. It’s harder to see the difference between Cat fluids and inferior fluids. You can look at molecule diagrams or talk sheer stability and oxidation resistance. But let’s focus on what matters most. Cat fluids impact your operation’s bottom line. Check out lab test comparisons, customer studies and how advanced fluids could mean one oil change instead of three.

See Cat Fluids
Cat fluids on conveyor belt
Cat fluids on conveyor belt



The Cat System 101: Designed to Perform

Competitors design filters and fluids to specifications. They make them to sell them. Cat filters and fluids are designed alongside Cat equipment, to ensure your entire system thrives. From flow rates to efficiencies to viscosities, design elements can determine how Cat equipment performs in your operation.

That’s why we have teams of engineering experts who design, build and formulate Cat filters and fluids for Cat equipment. We call it the Cat System. You can call it “taken care of.” And there’s performance studies to back that up.




The proof is in the performance.

Prove the Difference



Cat Filters and Fluids Work Together To Save You Money

When you think of Cat equipment, you think of top performance. That performance is maximized with Cat filters and fluids — a key piece to system design. See how you can save money with better protection and extended maintenance intervals. 


Cat filters and fluids
Cat filters and fluids

Plan on Peace of mind with filters and fluids in a CVA

Cat Customer Value Agreements (CVAs) are the easiest way to get Cat filters and fluids — delivered right to you, right on time for maintenance. CVAs also offer an Equipment Protection Plan and key machine insights right on your phone. It’s a one-stop solution to keep your machine easy to own and ready to work. That’s a CVA.

View CVA Details
Cat filters and fluids
Cat filters and fluids