Brian Jones,
Condition Monitoring Advisor

Success is a team sport.


In his early days working as an experimental mechanic at Caterpillar’s Technical Center, Brian honed his skills in the powertrain arena. He’s an authority on everything from axles and brakes to transmissions and torque converters. Others in the Fleet Monitoring Center rely on his know-how, just as he counts on their expertise when he encounters a tricky issue in another machine system. Brian knows the team is better together — because bouncing ideas off one another and sharing experiences is the best way to solve your equipment problems proactively.

In His Own Words

  • First job in the industry: “Component development technician”
  • Last Cat® machine you operated: “D8T”
  • Most interesting site you’ve visited: “Cement plant and quarry in Taiwan”
  • Most rewarding part of your job: “Helping customers address an issue before it shuts the machine down”


Meet the Experts

Jeff Payne

When Jeff started out as a mechanic, equipment wasn’t nearly as smart as it is today. Now, the machines “talk” to him — and he helps you listen to make sure they’re as healthy and productive as possible.

Meet Jeff
Jeff Payne
Jeff Payne

Ivan Brandt

What makes the team in the Fleet Monitoring Center special? According to Ivan, it’s each individual’s unique pairing of high-tech skills and hands-on knowledge — a combination that helps you find and fix problems fast.

Meet Ivan
Ivan Brandt
Ivan Brandt

Andrew Clope

Each member of the Fleet Monitoring Center team may bring a particular specialty to the table — engines and aftertreatment in Andrew’s case — but they’re big-picture thinkers when it comes to assisting your operation.

Meet Brian
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