Ivan Brandt,
Condition Monitoring Advisor

Hands-on meets high tech.


Ivan’s spent most of his career on the service side of equipment and engines. He’s a “fixer” at home, too, installing a car lift in his shop so he can service and repair his own vehicles. It’s that kind of hands-on experience — combined with the ability to understand and interpret equipment data — that he believes sets the Fleet Monitoring Center team apart. He and his cohorts don’t just spot problems; they know how to help you fix them fast.

In His Own Words

  • Favorite Cat® machine experience: “The first time I ran a D10 — I was amazed at the power”
  • Most used tool in your own shop: “Lately it’s been my portable welder since I’ve been building a pipe fence”
  • Most interesting site you’ve visited: “Oil well sites seem simple but there are many steps necessary to keep them productive”
  • One fun fact about you: “I have a 1949 Willys pickup (slightly modified) that I’ve owned for 35 years”

Meet the Experts

Jeff Payne

When Jeff started out as a mechanic, equipment wasn’t nearly as smart as it is today. Now, the machines “talk” to him — and he helps you listen to make sure they’re as healthy and productive as possible.

Meet Jeff
Jeff Payne
Jeff Payne

Andrew Clope

Each member of the Fleet Monitoring Center team may bring a particular specialty to the table — engines and aftertreatment in Andrew’s case — but they’re big-picture thinkers when it comes to assisting your operation.

Meet Andrew
Andrew Clope
Andrew Clope

Brian Jones

Earning your trust and helping you be proactive versus reactive: that’s Brian’s goal. To achieve it, he’s all about collaboration — bouncing ideas off his teammates to find the right answer for your situation.

Meet Brian
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