Productivity Services

Productivity Image of Haul Road
Productivity Image of Haul Road

Productivity Services from Mining Performance Solutions

Data is a powerful informative tool, but the distance between knowing and doing something about what you know can be long. With decades of experience, our team collaborates with your staff and your local Cat® dealer to help you close that distance by improving production of your current assets, reducing costs and ensuring the right material is at the right place at the right time. Here are some of the benefits you can expect.


Productivity Services benefits:

  • Increased data-driven insights and decision making
  • Improved efficiency of load and haul performance
  • Lower consumables costs
  • Increased utilization and production levels
  • Optimized material quality and ensured plan compliance
  • Optimized material flow from drill to mill
  • Predictable performance and sustained improvements
  • Achievement of target cost per ton

Data-Driven Decision Making Helps You Achieve Profitable Results

How effectively a mine can turn data into actionable information that has measurable impact on production targets, availability and cost per ton is fast becoming a critical competitive advantage. Mining Performance Solutions leads a collaborative effort with your team and your local Cat® dealer to uncover new insights that will help you achieve more profitable results in three key areas:

QUANTITY: move more tons with your existing assets
COST: move the target payload at lower cost
QUALITY: deliver the right material at the right time and place

Move more payload, make more money—it seems like it should be that simple. But decades of experience on mine sites has taught us that there are many variables that
can make moving more payload a complex challenge. Mining Performance Solutions compiles operations data and uses analysis tools to uncover insights that boost production of your current fleet.  Data-driven services include:

  • Payload Management
  • Business Process Review
  • Cycle Time Improvement
  • Field Site Review
  • Operator and Controller Performance

The biggest challenge to managing cost – eliminating the guesswork. The more precisely you can monitor and predict mine site operations, the more likely you are to find areas where you can more effectively manage time and quantity to reduce cost. Mining Performance Solutions helps you identify targets and sustain cost reduction with these services:

  • Operating Time Optimization
  • Stockpile Management
  • Operator Performance
  • Load and Haul Optimization
  • Consumables Management

Data analysis is at the core of mine planning. Achieving sustainable targets are not only the focus in production but also in quality of material calculations and control of ore processing. Can you increase cut-off grade? Are the gains predictable? Are they sustainable? Mining Performance Solutions can help you use data for better decision making with services such as:

  • Plan Compliance
  • Stockpile Management
  • Material Quality
  • Pit-Plant Optimization

Asset Health Services

Work with our team. Gain insights from global data and analytics. Imporve fleet availability and lower your cost per ton. 

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Asset Health Services
Asset Health Services

Our Team

Learn more abour our team capabilities and how we approach helping mining customers see improvements on their sites.

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Mining Performance Solutions Team
Mining Performance Solutions Team

Connect with Mining Performance Solutions

Consult your local Cat® dealer to connect with our Caterpillar® Mining Performance Solutions team and learn more about how we help mining companies accomplish strategic lasting improvements to their site.

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Whether you're looking for help managing your fleet, improving your safety culture or expanding your mine site technology, Caterpillar is here to help.