Caterpillar Safety Services

Safety goes beyond checking the box

Safety is more than rules and compliance; it’s really about organizational culture. Our approach is to make the culture around safety positive, sustainable and embedded at all levels of the organization. 

the approach to sustainable safety excellence
the approach to sustainable safety excellence

Our Approach

Employees do not take risks and shortcuts with the intention to get themselves or someone else injured, instead they simply do what they think is expected by their managers and what they see other people doing around them. In other words, safety is rooted in the culture of an organization. 

Creating a good safety culture is a continuous improvement process that has to be proactively managed from the top with involvement of people at every level of the organization. Our approach, refined over decades of doing this ourselves, backed by research and in-the-field results, helps organizations commit to the health and well-being of every employee in a way that is engaging, memorable and sustainable. This approach is centered around three key things:


Accurately assess and understand the current state of safety


While many organizations share similar safety goals, every organization faces a unique mix of challenges on their journey to safety excellence. To accurately identify these challenges so we can create an appropriate strategic approach, we utilize our assessments. 

Researched, developed and refined over decades, our assessments give you a clear picture of the safety landscape across your entire organization, identifying and prioritizing areas of improvement. Assessments include safety perception survey, the safety leadership assessment and the worksite assessment



Implement a continuous improvement process that engages all levels of the organization


We believe in a philosophy of continuous improvement, and will equip your organization with the mindset, processes, tools and techniques that enable you to embed a culture of sustainable improvement long after we’ve left. 

To engage everyone from the executive office to the frontline, we deliver targeted training and workshops with concepts and examples everyone can understand, relate to and remember.



Develop and refine leadership skills


Safety has to start with the senior team – it can’t be delegated.  We help management teams build a culture of safety excellence by demonstrating visible commitment and integrating safety into the way they run their operation. 

Our programs for senior teams provide the skills to effectively lead safety and influence employee behavior in a way that positively impacts safety culture.


Safety Resources

Case Studies

Watch and read our customers' experience of partnering with us

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Case Studies
Case Studies

Safety Leadership Articles

Our key content pieces for organizations keen to learn more about how to improve their safety

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leadership articles
leadership articles

Events, Workshops and Speakers

Explore upcoming events including speaking engagements and workshops. We can also provide expert speakers for your events.

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